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Metal Gear Solid 3 Secret Theater in Hd Collection UPDATED

Metal Gear Solid 3 Secret Theater in Hd Collection

Hush-hush Theater

Underground Theater is an unlockable feature that showcases humorous alternate endings to certain cutscenes. Information technology was originally shown on the official Metal Gear Solid 3 website, and is available in full on Persistence, the second disc of Metal Gear Solid three: Subsistence, upon completing the main game on Disc ane. It is also unlocked by answering "I like MGS3!" to the first fourth dimension survey.

The videos for the Hole-and-corner Theater were originally adult in secret past the production squad'due south Existent Time Demo Unit for Metal Gear Solid 3, with the original intention of showing the videos to the production staff as entertainment during the game's completion party. Kojima, however, decided after seeing them to place them on the official website, where information technology instantly spawned popularity. As a issue, new episodes were developed exclusively for the site, where it spawned 3 "series" (International equivalent to the American media's "seasons"), plus a fourth on the style past the time Subsistence was released.

Some of the Japanese Surreptitious Theater videos featured new vocalism work by the original cast (or, where specified at the end of the video, newly dubbed lines not recorded by the original cast). On the website, the videos were shown with the Japanese voices and the dialogue subtitle in English. For the bonus disc of the English language version of Subsistence, well-nigh of the new dialogue was replaced with either previously recorded lines from the game or nonverbal grunts, so the videos are entirely in English. In addition, some of the Surreptitious Theater videos, when placed onto Subsistence, were besides given additional scenes exclusive to Subsistence.

Besides the joke videos, the Undercover Theater too included the TGS 2005 trailer for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.


  • 1 Synopsis
  • ii Serial
    • ii.1 Series i
    • 2.2 Series ii
    • 2.iii Series iii
    • ii.4 Serial 4
    • 2.5 Summaries
      • 2.5.1 The First is the Terminate
      • 2.5.two Gotcha This Fourth dimension!
      • 2.5.3 Get Downward!
      • ii.5.4 Payback
      • 2.5.5 True cat-like Behavior
      • ii.5.six The Quick Version
      • 2.five.vii The Joy
      • two.five.8 I Read Them for the Articles
      • 2.v.9 Metal Gear Due south...
      • 2.5.10 Die Hard
      • two.5.eleven The Ultimate Weapon
      • 2.5.12 Made in the USA
      • 2.5.thirteen Basashi
      • 2.5.14 Close Phone call
      • 2.5.fifteen He's Withal Got It
      • 2.5.16 Metallic Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser
      • 2.5.17 MGS4 TGS 2005 Teaser Trailer
  • 3 External links


The Beginning is the Terminate Snake causes a Fourth dimension Paradox by not surviving the first cutscene.
Gotcha This Fourth dimension! This is how not to handle C3.
Get Down! Sokolov relives Ophidian getting saved by EVA in the manufactory.
Payback Nobody refuses to milk shake easily with the DCI. Nobody.
Cat-like Beliefs Ocelot calls Ophidian's bluff.
The Quick Version The fight inside the WIG goes faster than expected.
The Joy The Boss also went by the codename The Joy...
I Read Them For the Manufactures Snake busts Sokolov trying to hide his magazines.
Metallic Gear South... Sigint joins Snake on Functioning Snake Eater and ends upward upstaging him.
Dice Hard "Information technology's not over yet!"
The Ultimate Weapon Snake can't seem to trounce The Boss at a game of Rock, Paper and Pair of scissors...
Made in the United states EVA shows Serpent one characteristic of his gun that he did non know about.
Basashi Snake finally gets a risk to sense of taste horsemeat.
Close Telephone call Snake has a near-fatal blow with the Shagohod.
He's Notwithstanding Got It The Finish falls in honey with EVA.
Metallic Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser Raiden goes dorsum in time to kill Large Boss so he can replace Solid Snake as the main graphic symbol of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Along the way Raiden causes a serial of Time Paradoxes.
MGS4 Trailer TGS 2005 Raiden and Solid Snake vie for the position of "Main Character" of Metal Gear Solid 4.


Series 1

  • The Offset is The End
  • Gotcha This Time!
  • Go Downwards!
  • Payback!

Series 2

  • True cat-like Beliefs
  • The Quick Version
  • The Joy
  • I Read Them for the Manufactures
  • Metal Gear Southward...

Series iii

  • Diehard
  • The Ultimate Weapon
  • Fabricated in the U.S.A.
  • Basashi

Series 4

  • Close Call
  • He's Still Got It
  • Metallic Gear Raiden: Ophidian Eraser


The Starting time is the End

During his insertion bound for operation Virtuous Mission, Serpent releases his parachute a trivial too late and falls downwards the cliff. Colonel Campbell so informs Serpent that he has caused a Time Paradox.

Gotcha This Time!

Before Snake plants the butterfly C3 bomb on the fuel-tank of the Shagohod, Snake tosses it up and catches it, quipping "Gotcha this fourth dimension!" and sticks information technology to the fuel-tank. Unfortunately, he slams it a little as well hard, causing the timer to reset to 0 and detonate the other charges, destroying the hangar.

Become Down!

A reenactment of EVA saving Snake from enemy soldiers, only the soldiers are replaced with members of LBJ'south chiffonier and Snake and EVA are replaced by Sokolov and a Sokolov in drag, respectively.


Snake is sneaking in Dremuchij until the DCI appears and Ophidian asks why is he here. The scene so switches to a flashback of Snake refusing to milk shake the DCI's hand which angers him. The scene then switches back to Snake who tries to set on the DCI simply to be placed into submission by him. The DCI holds out his paw for Snake to milk shake, until he eventually does so. At this bespeak, cameramen brainstorm taking photos of Snake and the DCI shaking hands and the scene switches to Snake the DCI in Rokovoj Bereg. Ophidian and the DCI begin to dance together and the DCI kisses Serpent on both cheeks. Major Zippo, Para-Medic and Granin are seen in the background applauding them both. The Metallic Gear Solid title graphic and so appears on the screen, only information technology'south been altered to say "Metal Gear Stupid."

The last scene is a thong-wearing blond character (either Raiden or Raikov) holding an AK-47 and futilely running from the Shagohod as it runs him over.

Cat-similar Behavior

Snake taunts Ocelot for using a decorative revolver, saying that he can't shoot him. Ocelot takes his gun off of EVA and shoots him. Ocelot then muses that he never lets his prey escape until EVA rides out of the area on her motorcycle. Realizing his embarrassing mistake, Ocelot screams "Bowwow!" three times, accidentally fires his gun, and screams one last time as the screen fades out.

The Quick Version

Ocelot speeds upwards to the WIG on a hovering platform in an effort to accept one last showdown with Snake. When he attempts to jump into the craft, he instead hits the other door and tumbles exterior into the water. As the screen blacks out, Serpent gives a sigh of disappointment.

The Joy

In the scene where Sokolov is abducted past the Cobra Unit of measurement, The Hurting'due south hornets swarm effectually The Boss instead of Sokolov. The Boss throws herself from the bridge and activates her microbomb, screaming "The Joy!" every bit information technology explodes. Serpent, Sokolov, and Colonel Volgin stare downwardly blankly; Ophidian salutes The Boss while Colonel Volgin wonders "What is she after?"

I Read Them for the Articles

In reenacting Snake's first coming together with Sokolov, Snake finds Sokolov trying to hide muddied magazines inside an unlit burn stove. Sensing something suspicious, Snake tranquilizes Sokolov and helps himself to Sokolov's magazines. Sokolov then wakes upward as the scene of a sudden fades to black. When the scene comes back, Ophidian and Sokolov are both enjoying a magazine together. Shortly after, the door to the room closes, and the ending for "Snake Eater" plays.

The name for the film comes from a mutual excuse for reading pornagraphic magazines.

Metal Gear S...

Later on Serpent makes a successful air-drib insertion, Major Zero suddenly informs him that he will be joined up with another operative, who turns out to be Sigint. Throughout the movie, Sigint handles most situations coolly and collected, while Snake ever gets the worst of every situation, from being swarmed past hornets to falling downwardly with the Shagohod after the span is destroyed. Sigint even steals EVA away from Snake as Snake is left alone with The Dominate's corpse in the flowerfield to be bombed by MIGs. When Serpent arrives back at Alaska, he is unable to stop Sigint's brand-out with EVA, as he collapses from exhaustion. The eventual issue is a huge Time Paradox. Sigint and so receives the title of Big Dominate from LBJ as with Snake'due south final line "You lot've gotta be kidding!", the title carte du jour has been changed to "Metal Gear Sigint."

Die Hard

As the Shagohod chases EVA and Snake on bike, Volgin tries to ram through a parked WIG aircraft, but instead, ends up flipping over the Shagohod and doing several aerodynamic rolls down the runway. EVA and Snake park their bike just in fourth dimension to see an enraged Volgin wing out of the tank and straight toward them screaming "It's not over yet!". No sooner does he bear on down then Ocelot drives upwards behind him and mistakenly launches him back into the air, where he explodes. Subsequently the scene fades to black, EVA tin can exist heard saying "Requite it upward already."

The Ultimate Weapon

As Snake watches several choppers transport the Shagohod, The Dominate challenges him to an imprompt game of Rock-Paper-Pair of scissors. After Snake fails to vanquish The Boss using all three options, Serpent does a combined version of all the options. Embarrassed and humiliated, The Boss flys down low to Snake, pointing a Davy Crocket launcher correct in his face. Despite Ocelot's and Snake'southward protests, The Boss pulls the trigger and ends a skillful deal of the game'south bandage as Major Zero desperately tries to contact Serpent.

Made in the USA

When Snake receives his gun from EVA, he excitedly gushes all over its details. When he squeezes the trigger, however, he is dismayed to find out that it is simply a novelty lighter as EVA lights a cigar up using its flame.


When Snake finds The Boss'due south horse in a small clearing, Para-Medic appears and accuses Snake of wanting to swallow information technology. Information technology is simply subsequently this that Serpent really wants to eat the horse. Backside Snake, The Boss is shown to exist extremely furious. Steam (in a cartoonic-similar fasion) pours off her caput every bit she speeds away making comical train noises. Meanwhile, Para-Medic continues to lecture Snake while enemy reinforcements surroundings the both of them. Both are completely unaware equally they continue to banter even when the screen fades out.

Close Phone call

When Snake jumps from the sidecar to engage the Shagohod, he jumps likewise tardily and gets caught in the tank's corkscrew treads. After being smashed into the ground repeatedly, he is tossed up into the air, stripped of his camo. After he lands, the Shagohod can be seen in the background chasing a screaming EVA. Every bit the scene fades to blackness, Major Null tin be heard saying "That was a shut telephone call."

He'due south Still Got Information technology

Back in Ponizovje, Colonel Volgin orders Tatyana (or EVA) to come with him to his room. As she walks by The End, he quickly steals a glimpse of her walking besides him and is revived. The End thanks her for "waking him" and gets out of his wheelchair and begins stalking afterward her throughout Groznyj Grad, protecting her from Ocelot's intimidation tactics by putting a dart in his cervix. Later, EVA meets up with Snake underneath the waterfall and is enraged by Snake'south advances. At the end of the game, The Stop expresses his disappointment in EVA while hiding in the tigerskin carpeting and waits for EVA outside the mansion on the morning afterward. While aiming at EVA in the middle of the route, End gets caught up in his monologue and is hit by EVA's motorcycle. Every bit The Finish flies through the air slowly dying, he announces that he has no regrets and detonates his microbomb.

Metallic Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser

After the events of the first teaser trailer, Raiden reflects on Rosemary's final words nearly changing the time to come. Raiden interprets this as an opportunity to change the events of Metallic Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater so he can get the "Main Graphic symbol" role in Metal Gear Solid 4.

Fourth dimension traveling back to the beginning of Performance Snake Eater, Raiden narrates his intention to assassinate Big Dominate, thus eliminating Solid Snake from the Metallic Gear timeline. When he arrives at the drop signal, however, Naked Serpent touches downwardly and unintentionally kicks Raiden in the face. As he lies defeated on the ground, Colonel Campbell tells him he has created a Time Paradox. Raiden jumps ahead in the timeline to EVA's escape from Ocelot. As Raiden gets to his feet, he arrives just in fourth dimension to be rear-ended by EVA on her motorbike, throwing forward and on tiptop of Ocelot and putting into a forced liplock with him. Campbell announces that Raiden has created another time paradox and Raiden jumps in the timeline to Snake's belongings prison cell.

However, Snake merely makes his escape while Raiden is locked behind bars. Equally Raiden witnesses Ophidian'due south escape, his point of view is shown as a red-tinted cybernetic view, in a tribute to The Terminator action movie. Raiden is unable to open the jail cell, and Colonel Volgin suddenly appears, mistaking him for Major Raikov, saying, "I've been waiting for you in my room.", then proceeds to punch and catch his crotch, and then assaults and beats him up offscreen. Disgusted and terrified, Raiden escapes from the jail cell having created some other Time Paradox.

Raiden then finds himself in the flowerfield where Serpent and The Boss are virtually to fight to the death. Raiden stumbles on to The Dominate merely in fourth dimension to stare at her cleavage when she was trying to show Ophidian her large C-department. A disgusted Boss slaps Raiden equally Serpent stares, jaw agape. Raiden jumps through the timeline, this time backwards, within the oil drum where Granin'south corpse is resting every bit Volgin hammers it with his fists. Raiden is terrified as the drum is sent flying through the air, forcing him out. Subsequently Raiden lands with the drum over him, Raiden jumps through the timeline again, creating yet another Time Paradox.

He and then appears right in between Volgin and Snake disguised as Raikov. Raiden appears just in time to receive the purple beatdown intended for Snake, who takes the opportunity to slip abroad unnoticed. After being beaten up past Volgin once again Raiden is teleports further in the timeline, creating even so another fourth dimension paradox. He is ten teleported to the track chase right in the middle of the Shagohod's path. Ophidian fires an RPG in forepart of the tank, causing it to spin out and barely sideswipe Raiden.

Ophidian asks Raiden if he is alright and gives him an SAA for his ain protection. Raiden takes aim at Ophidian, but slowly lowers information technology every bit he reflects on Big Boss's act of rescue. Equally he reflects, pursuing foot soldiers push him downwards and trample him while running afterward Snake and EVA. The Shagohod also runs over Raiden, catching him on its treads and slamming him into the ground repeatedly.

Dorsum in Langley, Raiden is seen applauding at Snake's accolade ceremony while narrating that the mission to kill Large Dominate was a failure. Still, he all the same has a plan to kill Solid Snake.

In the final area of Zanzibar Land where Solid Snake fights Large Boss, Raiden appears and chases subsequently Snake, only to be shot down past Big Boss. In a cursory chat, Large Dominate orders Raiden not to interfere while Raiden expresses his regret for not killing Big Boss when he had the chance and teleports back to the nowadays.

Dorsum in the nowadays, Rose tells Jack that he tin't alter the by, only he can "take the hereafter into his ain hands." Raiden starts to persist about Snake beingness the main grapheme until Rose half assures and half-inquires equally to whether there volition exist a Metal Gear Solid 5.

Different the other appearances of Raiden in the series, Raiden was not voiced by Quinton Flynn in here. He was instead voiced by Charlie Schlatter, who voiced Raikov in the main game.

Some of Raiden'south actions in the trailer were later incorporated to some caste in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. When locked up in a prison cell as Naked Snake escaped from Groznyj Grad, Raiden briefly underwent the Terminator-style HUD brandish, which was later incorporated into the Brand it Right viral trailers for Metallic Gear Rising and to a lesser caste in Metal Gear Rising itself. In addition, Raiden at i indicate ends upward in a drum can unintentionally due to time traveling to Volgin killing Granin, and uses it to escape. A similar chemical element would be used in gameplay with the Drum Can detail in Metal Gear Rising.

MGS4 TGS 2005 Teaser Trailer

Ophidian is outset shown hiding behind a wall from a group of soldiers in a firefight. Suddenly, a plane bombs out the wall, leading to his discovery every bit the wall comes downwards. A serial of taglines, canned laughter and audio effects can exist heard every bit the troops give chase. Snake so comes to a immigration of twelve director'southward chairs, which are quickly occupied by the soldiers. Drastic for a chair of his own, Snake flips a passing soldier and tries to approach the chair equally another soldier suddenly sits downwardly in it. Enraged, Snake pulls out an assault burglarize and dispatches all of the soldiers. Snake picks upwardly a seat, sits downwardly in information technology and and so pulls off his face to reveal that he is Raiden wearing a Snake mask.

The scene and so switches to a dark open space with Raiden approaching a single director's chair labeled "Main Character." Suddenly, a large figure wearing trifocal night vision goggles stealthily approaches the chair. So the lights come back up every bit the figure is revealed to exist the real Snake. Both characters then brand a mad dash for the chair. As the two seemingly collide, a close-up is shown of a triumphant looking Serpent sitting in the chair. The camera then pans out as it reveals both Serpent and Raiden are sitting in the chair. Raiden tries to take down Snake, merely proves to show insufficient CQC skill as Ophidian throws him into the darkness. Satisfied, Snake takes his rightful place in the chair and smokes a cigar. As Snake gets up to leave and turns off the lights, Raiden pops upwardly from a clandestine hatch in the flooring. A singled-out "ding" sound can be heard as Raiden sits downwards in the chair.

Despite the implications of the ending of the trailer, Raiden does not actually stop upwardly playable in Metal Gear Solid 4, although he does terminate up playable in its online supplement. Ironically, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus and Metal Gear Online would reveal that Raiden possessed an Southward-rank in CQC abilities and CQC-ii with a pharynx-slitting ability, respectively, contrasting his bad CQC skills in the trailer (though information technology is unknown if these skills are canon, or if Raiden possesses any CQC skills).

External links

  • Secret Theater subsection on the Subsistence website


Metal Gear Solid 3 Secret Theater in Hd Collection UPDATED

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